Download Misery's Mathematics: Mourning, Compensation, and Reality in Antebellum American Literature book
ISBN: 9780203504000
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Total size: 10.66 MB
Аthor: Peter Balaam
Date of placement: 15.08.2012
This book reveals the strain of a moment in American cultural history that led several remarkable writers -- Emerson, Warner, and Melville -- to render loss in innovative ways. These three key writers.

Outline of American Literature - UFDC.
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American literature begins with the orally transmitted myths the cosmic Over-Soul, and the doctrine of compensation narrator, who has been reading and mourning the
Outline of American Literature - UFDC.
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Material Information: Title: Outline of American Literature: Physical Description: Book: Language: en-US: Creator: VanSpanckeren, Kathryn, Clack, George, United
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Misery's Mathematics: Mourning, Compensation, and Reality in Antebellum American Literature
Misery's Mathematics: Mourning, Compensation, and Reality in Antebellum American Literature
Outline of American Literature